MailChimp Knowledge Base

How to Send a MailChimp Campaign

  1. Create a new campaign.
  2. Name the campaign.
  3. Add and save the recipients:
    • Select “All subscribers on list,” or
    • “Auto-Update [YEAR] 1st Years,” or
    • “Auto-Update Troop Committee,” or
    • “Auto-Update Youth Leadership.”
  4. Edit and save the “From Name” and “From Email Address.”
    • Enter your email address or, if the Campaign is being sent on behalf of another, enter the email address of the person for whom the Campaign is being sent.
  5. Edit and save the “Subject” and “Preview text.” The same message can be entered in both fields.
  6. Design the Campaign.
    • Select the third tab “Saved templates.”
    • Select the “Newsletter” template.
  7. Edit the content.
  8. Preview the desktop layout.
  9. Preview the mobile layout.
  10. Validate URLs with the link scanner.
  11. Send a test Campaign to yourself.
  12. After double checking for broken URLs, layout issues, and typos, send the Campaign.

How to Insert Additional Content

How to Replicate a Campaign

Subscriber Group Management

Subscriber Segment Management